Thank You, Trauma

I want to start off this post by first saying, hi, it’s been a few months and how are you (really) doing?

Most of the time we leave our responses to that common question to great, good, okay, and not so well. But do we want to waste people’s time and energy by diving into how we really feel. We all have feelings, but most of the time we do not share them because we do not want to burden someone with the weight of problems we carry, feeling their responses aren’t the answers, but the never-ending question marks we cannot solve in our own minds.

I am here to tell you, you can feel more comforted and connected by sharing what you are really going through. If you do and people judge you, then give them the justice of knowing you tried and you aren’t on jury to be criticized when you are sharing your true self and feelings.

We all have trauma

I know I am not the only one who has experienced trauma. We all have in one sense or another, some more or less or about the same as others. No matter how much trauma you have experienced in your life, your mind and body don’t forget, no matter how much you try to make peace with karma. Unneeded drama will infiltrate your life. At times processing trauma can feel like a never-ending battle with the warrior inside of you and the traitor of trying, trite times that leaves you spiteful, knowing no one ever wins when you go to war, there is loss and conquering co-existing with each other, just like experiences and emotions. Sometimes you wonder if you can ever at peace as a result of the trauma you’ve experienced or are going through.

The Traffic Stop of Trauma

Through and through, Trauma doesn’t just traumatize you, it makes you realize I have experienced the hardest of times, but I am still here and have a reason to be here. There will be times when trauma takes over your mind, and it feels like you are going down an endless road without an end, running on empty, but still somehow arriving at a rest stop along the way. But in those moments, slow down and stop if you have to. This world expects us to live on cruise control, thinking if you are not in the utmost control then you are an accident just waiting to happen. But not all accidents can be avoided, you will crash or stall the vehicle of your life from time to time. And you don’t always have to be the driver in the driver seat, you can be the passenger and backseat driver, and still get where you need to go.

Most of the time, even if we know where we are headed, with directions and all, there will be detours as we head toward and end up at the destinations of our life.

So yes my road is rocky and smooth at times, including pot holes of insecurities at times that feel all-consuming when I end up with a flat tire and on the side of the road, trying to fix what is now broken. And I or you may feel like you are an accident, everyone is passing but not stopping to see if they are okay, because they assume the next person will check to see. My advice is to check up and check in with people. There is strength in showing you care. There is a vulnerability in showing your weaknesses, and that maybe you don’t have the answers. Not all questions have answers to them.

Trekking forward with Trauma

But I am not to blame for my trauma. You may think you need to pinpoint the people who caused you trauma, or exile them completely from your life. What I have learned is you do not have to forgive or forget to move on, or past whatever may be haunting or burdening you. You can make peace with people who will never offer you an apology. Because likely they will never make peace with the wars they started, but never ended. Surrender to your trauma. Grow from the war wounds of woes.

So yes, thank you for the trauma. You showed up at my front door step and walked right in without me ever saying welcome in. So I let you into the house of my heart, you made yourself at home. Made my bed of traumatizing thoughts in my mind. But now I say it is time for you to leave, and make a home of your own. While it may not be easy to let it go just that. With time, you may never heal, but you’ll learn and grow. You welcome in guests of friends who will stay, and some who will stay for awhile and some you just may never see again. In all you gain and you loose, know the phantom pain of trauma will come and go. As you address your trauma through therapy, journaling, talking with loved ones, or simply thinking about it, say thank you trauma for all you gave me; you’re welcome for all the growth I have experienced because of you, even when it was really hard, I became better and stronger because of you, trauma.


someone with trauma

My Semicolon Story

I recently came across a social media post sharing that this week is National Suicide Prevention Week, hence the semicolon (;) reference to represent mental health and suicide prevention. While I have gone back and forth with sharing my experience along with people in my life who I have lost to or survived suicide, I thought maybe my bravery could help one person feel less alone in a silent battle they may be fighting, have fought or are witnessing a close family member or friend struggle with as a result of mental health. I think speaking about mental health should be as normal as one sharing about their physical health, but unfortunately we are all not there yet. That is okay, but we can do better.

My hope in sharing my personal story is in no way for you on the other side to feel pity, but to have an open heart and mind to those you interact with on a daily basis. Anyway, let’s get into the trenches of my journey. From a young age, which I did not realize until going through therapy recently, I have dealt with suicidal ideation. I used to think it was something I should keep to myself, suffering in silence but using humor as a mask to show I am fine. But what I’ve learned is that it helps to share when you are experiencing these unexplainable, hard, and dark moments in life. Throughout my therapy journey, I have realized the more you talk about stigmatized topics, like mental health, the less alone you feel in these experiences and thoughts, despite how isolating they can feel in the moment.

Seeing that this week is Suicide Prevention Week, I look back at a friend who I worked with years ago who I felt I missed the signs with. I felt this person was just doing certain actions for attention, but what they were doing was seeking help and guidance in what was one of their darkest moments. Unfortunately people did not see those actions as such and ostracized this person, instead of reaching out a hand to help and to offer an ear to listen to and truly see what was going on underneath the armor this person was wearing and the weight they were carrying around. Another experience I think of is someone close to me who I found out after the fact; it broke my heart. Fortunately this person is still with us, and will continue to change lives through their work in the mental health field.

I guess what I am saying in sharing these lived experiences of those close with me, is that there are no clear signs. At times you may be caught off guard or not understand why: they seemed so happy, they seemed so successful, they seemed like they had it altogether? On the other side of the coin, they may seem so depressed, so moody, so defiant and so who any number of things.

Mental health is not black and white, there is a lot of grey. Much of it we as a society still really do not understand, even after years of research and funding into various projects and non-profits tasked with addressing and understanding mental health and suicide. I think the reason we do not understand is because mental health tends to not be seen or spoken about as if it could be physically seen like someone breaking their arm and needing to wear a sling or cast for their arm to fully heal. I like to say mental health can be visibly invisible, since it can be hidden and shown very well depending on the person. My hope through sharing this is to shine a light on how complex mental health, specifically suicide, is. Addressing mental health is not a one size fits all approach, it is meeting someone where they are at and truly listening to what they are saying and sharing how you feel they could be best helped. At the end of the day, it comes to them, not you. You can do all in your power to help someone, but they first have to want to help themselves, that’s where it all gets complicated.

If you are in need of help, I suggest looking up mental health services in your area, reaching out to someone you trust to share what you are going through, or calling 988.

Let’s break the stigma around mental health, share our stories (struggles included) proudly, and take a moment out of our busy lives to stop, smile and talk with a stranger. Offer them a compliment, someone to small talk with, or a kind act such as a hug. I know kindness and humility hasn’t been lost on us as a society, so show understanding in all those who’s paths you have and will cross. Life’s not a zero sum game, it is about reaching out when you need help and getting up, no matter how many times you get knocked down. Your story has meaning, you have a purpose in this life, share your’s with this world, yet do not lose reading a page or two out of someone else’s story too.

PS we show the world mild versions of ourselves, toned up and down for certain people and situations. When will we share fully who we all are in our successes and struggles, all making up who we are in this life? Keeping being you, letting your light shine through in the darkest and brightest of moments!

Let’s Be Real

The will sunset, and rise again, so can we. Choosing to see and share the beauty of time between moments, living with true intent.


Letting go…

A week from today I will turn 27. It is crazy to think how a year can fly by, and all the changes you can experience. From experiencing so much loss to gaining so much within a moment’s time. I do feel all moments in life have intent. You are meant to go wherever it may be, feeling the amazing highs and the insurmountable lows.

You never know what this life will bring, but at the end of it all you known damn well you truly only have your life. Through all of the changes of this past year, I have learned it is better to hold on to the things that bring light, and to let go of what is dimming your light. We, each of us have so much to give this world, but unfortunately I feel many of us fall into the trap that we are not this enough to become what we are truly meant to in this life. I have witnessed so many people fall into grinding their life away, instead of living life to the fullest. I never want to look back on my life, knowing I stayed too long in a toxic environment, letting people and things get me down, I do, nor do you deserve to carry their baggage, they have to wait to pick up their own luggage. I will never be a carry on of someone’s expectations, but rather a damn trip of all of what is worth in this life to explore. I adore all this life has given me, really great and honestly horrible, because it all led me to where I am now. I know who the true people are in my life, and yeah I may get let down, every so often. But we have to keep in mind, nothing in life is definite. Everything eventually has an expiration date. Letting go may mean moving on, letting go may seem contrary to what those around you think, and letting go is a lot more than letting down but getting up to know you can always start again.

So yeah, year 26 included a lot of letting go, we’ve all had moments when we just had to let go of all we’ve been holding onto. If you haven’t already, simply let go, your life will be a whole lot lighter and brighter because of it. A week from now, yes I will be a year older, we all grow up, time never seeming to slow down and that’s when we know nothing is ever permanent. People, things and moments are all fleeting. I am so glad to let go of all that has brought me down in the last 26 years of my life. Do know damn well, I am holding onto all the things and people who bring light, they are worth the dark, treacherous times I know will lie ahead. I know what is behind me, 26 years of so many words that could not encapsulate those moments. I am coming for you, 27, knowing life will continue to define me, but continuing to hold onto and let go of all this life will bring.

PS Letting go does not mean you held on too tight for too long, it means you are choosing to open your heart, your mind and your body to feel all what is light and bright in your life.

Someday, sometime, and someone will see letting go of everyday, every time, and everyone as all and nothing they ever needed in this life.


Raw, when you think of what this word spells backwards, you would notice it spells out war. And for some reason, I feel both raw and at war with all my feels currently. I guess you could blame it on Mercury retrograde. Or maybe it has been a while since I have been fully alone, and I am not dating anyone, yet I do have one person on mind and well some of my close friends know who it is. Anyway besides the fact, I honestly have not been happier at this moment in my life. In being in that state of emotion, I have recognized the people and situations that no longer serve me. I guess when you grow, well you sometimes outgrow people and things. I have noticed I have been more guarded and careful about how I give my energy to things and people around me. It is like one of my friends said, “life is all about perspective and how you choose to look at it.”

During this time, when I have taken a break from blogging, I have had so much time to think. To think about my past, to think about now and to think about where I am going. I know I cannot go back and change what happened but I do have control over how I react going forward. In being in this state of mind, I have felt both raw and war with my emotions and thoughts. I have caught myself realizing that I have spent most of my life making other people happy, and leaving my happiness to be secondary. It is crazy it took me a quarter of century to get to this point, but I am real proud of myself. I am also proud of you, the person reading this who fights silent battles in being vulnerable in your raw, realness and who may be at war with the ever fleeting, haunting thoughts in your mind. I know life is not a road map of directions you can follow, but rather an individual journey each of us are on.

I have learned that I will never stop comparing myself to another, it is a part of human nature. But in the moment I need to keep in mind we are all on different chapters in life, some of us are single as a Pringle as I am, others are finding or have found the love of their life and settling down into what it means for two lives to become one. All I know is somedays, I am raw and real with myself and others, and other times I am just at war with all that makes me, me. I know each of us face this dilemma; of looking within and out to see what we are lacking and are out to gain. No matter what you go through, know it is never a loss but so much you have to gain. A heartbreak may make you feeling you’ll never love again because the pain is so great, but you will and I promise it will be better than you imagined. A failure may take you to a place you never knew existed, but in that space you will find success for a gift you never or maybe always knew you had. Raw or at war with who you are, know you will always make it to other side, just keep moving forward, leaning on those who love you and being you, and only you!

I Got Your Msg

I got your message is such a common thought in my mind lately. Because I feel this can either mean two things, I actually got your message or got what you are saying. As I think of this phrase I think over the interactions I have had over the past year and half of my life, which many of my friends coined as the Mandemic. I guess I became a joke in the midst of pandemic. Glad I survived and found the only person I can count on is me, only me. I have found that ending a relationship that was going nowhere was something I should have done long ago. But me being me, I am people pleaser. I always people’s happiness before mine. Nine times out of ten it may leave a bruise or two, but I would rather be known for being kind and giving people many chances. I noticed though that I have danced with the devil way many more times than I can count, because all I was wanting to be thought of was as this perfect, sweet angel. I noticed in always trying to be the nice person, people will take advantage of you, take your thoughts and twist them to make you feel like you are out of your mind, and make you wonder where you went wrong. I have noticed that sticking up for yourself simply means letting go of people and things that no longer serve you. So I erased those texts you sent and no longer picked up the phone, maybe then you will get my message or maybe you will never get it. But no matter what the outcome is, unread text or voicemail, I know I kept myself by not allowing you in time, time again to just cause me pain, to hate who I am, to not feel enough, to just feel like a liability.

I know I have the ability to construct my words in a way that may make sense to you the person reading this. I hope though if you do not understand me, maybe you never will, I will have the capability to let you know have the ability to do whatever you want with your life. I used to think I had to make my enemies, the ones who left me on read to understand me. What I came to know is you cannot get someone to understand you when they cannot even understand who they are. I may care too much about the people who I cross paths with, but I know maybe one day they will hopefully embody being kind, understanding and just being who they want to be. I feel many of us just wear a mask, put out this front and facade like we all have it figured it out and have our shit together. The truth is we are all just figuring it out. Yet what I feel we lack as humans is completely abandoning that there is another person on the other side of the conversation. So instead of telling them that you will not be arriving at the same destination, you swerve, ghost and ride off in another direction. In the case of a intersection, you look to the traffic lights to guide you on what you should do. You ask the universe for advice, you ask your family and friends what should I do. While I feel it is okay to ask, I also feel this is your life, so send that damn message and if they do not respond or do not feel the same way, know you are still the one and only one of you, and there is going to be someone one day who will get you for you.

I am so sicken tired of asking if they got the message. I am so sick of people who just play mind games with the messages they send. I am done with those messages that come through, only to mess with your mind and make you feel crazy for feeling anything. I know I may know a thing or two, but the one thing I know is between you and me, the sender and recipient is let’s not play monkey in the middle, just straight up tell the person and say how you feel. At the end of the day, we worry so much and read between lines that are not even there, convincing ourselves that this thing or person is right for us, when clearly, most of the time it is not. So yeah maybe, they will get the message one day, but in all honesty, they may never get it.

Whether they will get it or not, it is not up to you to decide, the choice is in their court. So you can either be the player or get played, I have been on both sides. No matter which way you go, you will win some and lose some. Just know you got yourself. If you got you, know you have the courage to send that real message of how you truly feel to someone, be kind though. Either way, I got left on read or got your message, know your value is not attached to the outcome of what happens next. Know how people act is most of the time not a reflection of you, but their own self. Selfless or selfish, I got your msg, I read it, I smiled, I cried, I thought of you, I thought what could be. So next time, you get a call, voicemail, text or DM, know you got the message, it is okay what you do next (just remember to be kind).

PS I got your msg, not sure how to feel all about it, really?! Ever got a msg, left it on read or responded right back, only for you to be on cloud nine or feeling like you digging for fools gold in a non-existent goldmine. Only to say I am fine (really not, whenever someone says that). Time after time, we will continue to say I got your msg whether in actuality or figuratively, so got your msg, what will I say or do next………. (duh dun, we may never know, the never ending carousel of messages continues)

Alive, Existing and Lived

I feel many of us are alive, but are we really living or we simply existing? I feel we walk a fine line between being alive and existing. Many of the days we spend, we are simply just trying to exist and make it through, that’s okay. We play the part in life where we would rather be alive and existing, then to say we lived. At the end of the day, aren’t we just all alive and existing?! I guess what I am getting at is many of us follow the paved path in front of us that many have and had ventured down. What if the path in front of you is not where you feel alive, yet just feel you are simply existing among the many people wandering down that path. I would say pave your own damn path, the one that makes you feel most alive and that you can look back to say you lived, and didn’t simply just exist. Time moves fast, before you know it years have already passed you by.

As you age, you will start to wonder where it all went and hoping the finishing line wasn’t near. Keeping in mind that you do not want to keep placing finish lines in the race of life, because you will never cross them, if you do, you may keep thinking and feeling what’s next. We all wonder what’s next in life, where do we go from here, and how do we reach the mountain top if it seems so far off in the distance. We may all climb our own personal mountains of achievements and soak in the shallowest meadows of struggles. Between the mountains of triumphs and meadows of lows, we are each on our own path. A path we along with many venture on, or maybe we are paving our own path.

No matter what pathway you take in life, take the one where you feel most alive, do not simply exist within society’s standards and look back saying I wish I would have lived. I wish I would have loved. I wish I would have failed. I wish I would have chased that dream. I wish I would told this person or done this thing. I think many of us including myself live in a world of “I wish I would have” because we fear rejection. Let me tell rejection is redirection. Rejection redirects you to big and better things, trust me, you may not see it now but eventually you will down the way. Trust that life always works out for the best. And that the worst regret you can have is simply existing within the constraints of what society or even those close to tells you who to be. Because in the end and this moment; being alive, chasing after what and who fuels you will bring you some of your biggest blessings, experiences and lessons. So simply be alive, experience life’s greatest gifts and hardships and be that person who one day looks back and says I lived.

Feeling It All

I feel at times we honestly do not take the time to feel all the emotions and thoughts we are experiencing, since we live in such an instantaneous, technological world, where we are always go-go. What about if we just stopped, took a deep breath and reflected for just a moment. I feel in that moment, we would feel overwhelmed by it all, all the thoughts and emotions we have been burying down within ourselves because we did not take the time to feel it in that moment in time. Time will continue to move forward, and we will too, yet I think it is best for us to stop and pause to take inventory of where we are at if we may feel low or overwhelmed.

It is like they say, if you do not take care of something now, it will eventually all boil over or you will explode with a bottle of emotions. So if you are reading this, to take a moment out of your day and time, I first want to thank you because that is taking the first step. Now please with take a moment to close your eyes, even it is for a couple of minutes, think about that feeling or thought you just cannot shake. Okay, what do you make out of it, where do you want to go from this moment and how do you feel you can best move forward and start healing. We are all moving, while at the same time we are all healing from past or current wounds that still haunt us now, and maybe will continue to.

I just want you to know, whether you feel like giving up, you are not good enough or just feel overwhelmed with life, just remember to take a moment to breathe to feel it all. Feeling it all does not make you emotional. Feeling it all helps you heal. Feeling it all makes you take stock of what and who is bringing you down, and who is lifting up. We all get caught up in the rat race of life, so feel up a space with understanding and expression and grace the world with your face, because it is beautiful even when you are beyond happy or soaking in the sulkiness of your emotions.

All of us are riding waves of thoughts and emotions, some we catch and others crush us, no matter which one it is, get back up and keep going (as Dory once said) . In between here and now, where you are and want to go, who you are and and who you want to be, always remember feeling it all (thoughts, emotions, dreams and goals) is what makes you the only one of you. So if you leave here, please take this with you, Feeling It All is what makes you get up to answer that call and catches you as you free fall, no matter tall or small, the writing on the wall, you have the power within you to make through all of what life will throw at you.

Moving On & Forward

Throughout my entire existence, I have like many of you had to leave people and things in the past that are no longer serving me. While I do not like to let people down or cut off communication, at times it is (has been) the best for me and those involved. On the flip side, I have been blindsided when it comes to those moving on and forward from me, like what did I do wrong, is who I am just not good enough or why did they just suddenly disappear from my life??? I know I am not the only one who has these questions swirling around in the head. I know so many go through life feeling like I am not okay or good enough, that is completely normal to feel the way you do. I am right there with you, and over the past quarter of century I have learned you have control over how you react, who and what you surround yourself with. While you may feel it is all out of your control, just know you have the power always to move on and forward from people, situations and things no longer serving you.

I wish I had someone told me this sooner, well there was a few, but me being stubborn I kept holding out hope and seeing the best in people and situations, when clearly that was not the reality. In reality, people most of the time are not thinking about you, they are thinking about themselves, so do not take it personally if it doesn’t workout how you thought it would. I feel everything eventually works out for the best for all involved.

If you feel just like you have yet to move on and forward. Take some time to think about how people and things are serving you in your life; are they bringing more negativity than positivity, bringing more doubt than inspiration or bringing more to themselves than to you?! Thinking about what it is all bringing you, and go from there in making your decisions. You can both be selfish and selfless without being self-sacrificing.

So if you are reading this and feel like there is someone or something that fits what I am saying, please take some time to think about what type of life you want, who do you want in it and where you want to be in sometime from now. I think if we sit back and reflect, we can see many patterns of people and things not serving us, but it is not my place to point that out to you, you have to figure that out for yourself, those close to you can only help so much. I will tell you this from experience, sometimes we just do not see it since we are so invested in that person or situation. My advice clear the air and see it all for what it is, if you cannot, eventually in time it will all workout.

I know that was a lot to unload on you, yet I feel many of us feel this way where we hold on to people that we should just let go of and move on from. I feel it is human nature to want people to like us and for things to go according to plan, but life is never a clear path, it is bunch of pathways coming together and diverging as you walk forward. Moving forward and on is never easy, yet you can learn so much about yourself and life from go through the most toughest of times. Because some of the most hardest of times are leading you to some of the best times in your life, just keep having hope and trusting that the process of life will always workout for the best, even if you do not see it now or some time ahead, keep going, you go this!

Moving forward and on, is not simply leaving your past behind but letting go of those and things that no longer fulfill you, so fill your cup with what matters to you and those who love you, and that will bring you the best fulfillment. Sending love, hugs and hope to all of you going through a time of moving on and forward!

Why Did You Go?

The past week of life has been like riding a rollercoaster to say the least, I ended an unhealthy, detrimental relationship, and for me not being further harassed that is what I will leave it at. I just want you to know, the person reading this, if you do not feel loved, accepted, or harassed, you have the power to leave and close the door on that person or even people in this case. I want you to know that is family is what you make out of it, that your friends can step in to be just that. And if you do not have many family or friends to lean on, know you will make it through whatever you may be facing. I know each of us are fighting a battle we do not share, or have struggled to make it through, so I award you for your strength for staying after being continuously hurt, broken down to pieces, you are now collecting like shattered glass beneath your feet. With each step you take, know deep down, trust in yourself that you are headed in the right direction, even if you feel you are not.

And while people may ask, why did you go? You can decide whether or not that deserves an answer. You have the power to stay or go. You have the strength to overcome what or whoever may have brought or is bringing you down, know you can always rise up from the deepest of depths. I commend each of you for chasing after what your sets your soul on fire, and if you do not know what that is, keep going, you will find it. I believe each of us have a reason to be here, yet have a reason to choose who we surround ourself with. I know leaving can be so hard, especially when there is a lengthy and close relationship you are attached to. I know cutting ties is not easy when so many knots have been tied, making it hard to cut through all that has left you tied to a person or a situation. I hope you know that you have the courage to speak up, express your true self and walk away from people who continue to judge and bring you down, time after time, simply let go and move on.

I hope you know letting go can be a form of forgiveness, yet not forgetting. You can always learn from what went wrong in your past, and choose what feels right for your future. You know yourself best. Those who truly care for you, will not hold you back but rather love you unconditionally and want the best for you. So whatever or whoever is holding you back, let them go, move forward. If you feel you are not making progress, or a change, those small steps and choices will lead you to the greatest moments and accomplishments in your life. So if they ask you, why did you go? You can just say life is too short to not stay true to who you are, what you want out of life and how you build the legacy you will one day leave behind?

So, why did you go? Well I would say that I stopped running back to and started stepping towards, and venturing the path that has always been in front of me, we all take different pathways in life, but we choose the paths we continue to venture on or pave the path we know walk on. Life is a truly a journey, find the little moments of joy when you can, cherish and enjoy it, since it all eventually ends just as it has begun, so run towards the moments, places and people who make you feel at home, no matter where you go, what you do, who and how you become as a human being.

PS you do not need to provide an answer to every question, you can simply allow your actions to speak the words you or others choose to say about you. Life your life unapologetically by being you, being kind and and always being one of a kind, that’s the MILDLY ME within you to be whoever you damn please while being still sweet as honey with the sting of the bee, never once again, forgetting to BE KIND!

Getting Through

Somedays like today felt like I was simply trying to get through. I know many of you reading this feel this way at times, when you are just trying to get to the next day. I know each day brings its’ own set of triumphs, struggles or mediocrities. Knowing we do not have to be perfect but to be just who we are is sometimes we all need to hear. I feel many of us are trying to live up to standards (from society, media, loved ones and ourself) that are simply unattainable. That is okay.

It is okay to not feel like you are reaching new heights. It is okay to not be checking off checklist items off your daily list of tasks. It is okay to not know who you are yet. All of the things and people we struggle with are forming us into who we are and how we choose to treat those around us. So getting through isn’t just getting by. It is someone who may be have been on a never ending run where the finish line keeps getting moved up, just as they get close. It is someone who may have poured heart out to their crush to only be rejected. It someone who may be struggling to just get up in the morning and roll out of bed to live another day on the hamster wheel of life, so many of us continue to roll on and fall of of. It is not knowing what is next that can stop someone from going forward out of paralyzing anxiety, or fear they are not good enough.

Some say fake it to you’ll make it, yet I believe those who even say that are afraid too. We are all scared of what maybe the next day, month or year may hold, but we have is now, each other and ourself. So if no one has told you this, getting through will always be good enough. You are never too much or too little, you are just right for those who truly love and care about you. Getting through yet another let down means you are being set up for some of the greatest moments.

Don’t lose yourself in a sea of a doubt, and if you feel lost, I am sending and throwing out a life raft to you to remind you, you matter, your thoughts are valid and your dreams can become a reality. Just keep believing, because there are many who have faith in you and know that getting through will lead you right to them. Keep pushing, keep challenging all that constrains you and keep going, you’ll get through, I got you hun, you are right around the corner of getting through and to all that is meant for you, which is far greater than you may have ever imagined, you are magical in simply being just you, if they discount you, you are getting through to me. Getting through to all the doubters. Getting through your own self doubt. Getting through all the negativity to finally to grasp on to and see the light of getting through the darkness that once haunted you. Getting through goes beyond just beginning, middle and end of one’s life story. You have the power to rewrite your story, make memories you cherish beyond time and live each moment this life gives you with intent.

Unstable: Mental Health Struggles

After writing the first sentence then consequentially deleting it time after time, I thought about how I should talk about my own struggles with mental health. While each person’s journey is different with mental health, mine has been one I have dealt from when I was very young. I can think back to when I was a young kid and would ask the universe why am I here, it would be so easier if I was not. I felt like I was complicating the lives of those around me, that I constantly had to prove and stand up for myself when no one was. I was told by dad to not express my emotions, that how I thought was invalid and would never be enough.

After years of living in a toxic, unhealthy environment growing up I decided to stand up for myself, only to feel yet again like I was the perpetrator, not once have I felt listened to and that was hard. Unfourtunately, this parental relationship led me to feeling depressed, suicidal at points. And when one of my close friends tried to take their own life, and I expressed how I felt pain for this friend and was beyond heartbroken over this situation, I was told yet again to not express my emotions and that one taking their own life is the easy way out. While there are many experiences I can speak to with my mental health, I feel it is not my place to spew that out to you, the person reading this. I feel many of our mental health struggles come from the relationships we have with those close to us, or experiencing something traumatic. We all process trauma different, we all see the world different and at times we feel different for being simply who we are.

I know mental health is something many of us feel we are stigmatized for, rather than it being an open conversation between health professionals, or even family and friends. I do not feel our mental health struggle should be labeled yet something we should feel to either speak or not to about. I do feel by openly talking about the struggles you face with mental health you can help not only yourself, but those around you who may be going or have gone through something similar. I also feel that you should speak to someone you trust or professional about what you are going through, since there are people out there who care and want to listen. I have learned to speak with family and friends more about my struggles, and they have been there to offer a hug and be an ear to listen to. While you may feel you are alone, who you are does not matter and what you do holds no purpose, that is farther from the truth, I and so many care about you. If you are hurting, please reach out to someone you trust or even me, I am here to listen and not judge.

I feel with social media, so many societal and family pressures, we as humans can be pushed to our limits. Do know you set those boundaries, if someone decides to continuously walk over that line, you hold the power to express where you stand. Stand up for yourself and others, even if you feel you well be broken down and picked a part. Having a heart that beats, a mind that thinks and a body that moves will continue to push you forward pass the things and people who will try to hold you back.

Keep going, feel your emotions and express your truth without regret, because as Maya Angelou said, ““I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” So, keep pushing forward, take each day by day, take each step by step and before you know it, you will be at the finish lines you never thought you would cross with the people who never left your side along the way, and continued to cheer you on, no matter how many times you wanted to give up along the way. Remember, you have the spark to set a fire ablaze and float away with the ambers, embark and blaze your own path and be around even when the stars fade and the smoke blurs what might have always been there, you!

PS I hope to share more of my journey with mental health with time. Please remember mental health is a journey, and should be right up there with your physical health. Never loose faith in yourself, in others or in society, there are always hope and people out there who will catch you if you fall. You may be in a fight or a constant battle with your mental health, be defeated time after time, never give up, keep going, I got you!


Lately the word, “poser” keeps coming to mind, and I honestly don’t know why. When you think of poser, what or who do you think of? I for some reason think about all of the people I see on social media, like Instagram or Facebook. I think about the people who just show the highlight reel of their lives. When we all know damn well, we are all going through something that we aren’t deciding to share on social media. But what about if social media was not a highlight reel, but a highlight REAL. We all live real lives, have real issues and do some really awesome things. Really though, but why do we decide to knit pick and not showcase pieces the behind of the scenes of our lives.

I feel if more people on social media did that, it would make them more relatable and let them know what they go through is not abnormal. Yet influencers or celebrities decide to take hiatuses, then come back and act like nothing really ever happened. I think it all comes to transparency. Being transparent about who you are, what you stand for and how you choose to live your life. I feel in some aspects we are all posers, even I’d call myself a poser since I choose to keep pieces of my life private and decide not show the not so great experiences, well I sometimes do on here.

Besides the fact, imagine if we lived our lives without filters, presets, FaceTune or followers, how would life look to you if none of that existed? I sometimes feel life would be better without aspects of social media, such as followers, since it puts people on pedestals that they are bound to fall off of or be in a constant battle of comparing yourself to someone else. I at times, catch myself like many of you, feeling like I am not enough and emulating parts of people I look up to you, but in the end that just leaves me feeling empty. I have learned with time, you hold so much power in just being you, the right people will decide to stay in your life for the right reasons, and you honestly become a healthier mentally and physically. While at the end of the day, we may all be posers at some points in our lives, that’s okay, but never forget to be who you are, you hold so much power in being unapologetically you.

PS part of the reason I started the blog, Mildly Me was because I felt many, myself included show the world mild versions of who we are, in order to fit in and feel like we can survive this wild world we exist in. We all have been posers at points in our lives, felt like we were the losers on the winning team, only to find out we hold that superpower within who we are (whatever that may be, share it with the world and don’t let the haters get to you, you’ll forever be a winner in my and many hearts and eyes!!)

Ghosters: Modern Day Daters

Have you ever been ghosted or been the ghoster? Seriously, I think we all can admit we have either had this happen to us or been the one to do the ghosting. And if you are wondering what ghosting is, well pretty much it is when someone, specifically a love interest disappears out of thin air, never responding to that text(s), leaving you scratching your head, like what happened or glad I called the shot on that one. I feel ghosting has been happening since the dawn of time, just has looked different over the years, especially prevalent within our modern day society being rooted so much in wanting the next shiny thing, and wanting things instantaneously. Even myself has been ghosted before, and have even done the ghosting. Through dating, I have learned that ghosting honestly really has not much to do with you, it really has a lot to do with the other person.

A lot of the times, people do not know how to tell you they are just simply not feeling it or maybe you are just another person on their lineup of all the people they are talking to, or maybe even dating. With that being said, it can heartbreaking not getting that text or call from that person, at the same time it can show you there is something and someone to better to come in time. I have also realized that ghosting is quite childish, like if you cannot tell someone how you feel in a nice, clear and concise way, than are really an adult. While it easier to not say anything it all, it is also kind of you to tell someone how you truly feel and then turn the page. I feel in me being honest during dating, it has saved me some heartache but I have also experienced my fair share of breaking someone else’s heart, but with not so great guy or date, it will all lead you to the love of your life. I really truly believe there is a person out there for each and every one of you, don’t settle until then.

Keeping in mind though that we all live in the Information Age, where we are all hoping to find love. Sometimes, the person we were interested in may end up being ghoster, aha I love to call them Casper the ghoster. Or at times, we may even unintentionally doing the ghosting, since we just do not know how to tell someone where we are at, or maybe we just aren’t simply feeling it. No matter what it may be, always stay true to who you are and love unapologetically.

It is funny as I write this, I have had a few guys come to mind. One of them being a guy, who I met through a friend and said we would celebrate New Years together, but then just dropped off the face of the Earth and stopped texting me when that day rolled around.. And then out of the blue decided to text me on Valentines Day of 2016 saying he wanted to give me kiss, and I said peace out Nick (sorry not sorry). In the past year of 2020, I had myself a couple of ghosters, but for the sake of not exposing them, since I am kind, and well guys Nick was just prick, like wish him the best, but damn that is a bridge I burned and never want to have to cross over, ever again. Enough with what’s his name lol. Anyway so most recently in 2020, I guess you could say dated, but I would really call it talting (talking/dating–I just made up a word, don’t mind me).

The first one, we will call Myles (ps his name starts with K, so you can figure that one out), he had just gotten out of a very long term relationship and decided that I would become his therapist. I love helping and listening, but it came to a point of almost being draining. I also found it really weird that I was put onto a pedestal and idolized by this person, who really didn’t seem to know who they were, I get it, we are all trying to figure out who we are. But I just love for people to be who they are, nothing less. Anyway, he made a move on me which threw me for a loop then proceeded to mess with my feelings and decided to eventually ghost me, so there’s that. Some people just keep you around for their own selfish reasons, until something or someone comes around and they drop you like a fly, and then you become that fly on the wall. I wish him and his new love interest the best, but for some reason I feel I am still getting deja vu and guessing there is noting new, well there is with me, but I am keeping that top secret and my life has never been better, thanks M!

And the second and last one, we will call Barry (ps His name starts with… the letter I just capitalized). Wow I am really barring my skeletons to you guys, aha you all haven’t even seen half of it, I am not about putting about people on blast and feel for the most part I am withholding details that would disclose who someone is). Man well Barry, he was a good guy and we had really deep, good conversations for four months yet it never become more unfortunately. I tend to think I was just another chick on his list of other chicks. I find it funny though how someone can completely go ice cold on you while being luke warm for a while, guess it all just fizzled out and just wasn’t meant to be as they like to say. I wish him the best though, just wish I wasn’t thrown out of someone’s life by them like a crumbled piece of paper into a trash can of left on read.

I think we all have in some capacity experienced being ghosted, or been the ghoster. Or even being left on read for no reason at all, other than the person not having the courage to tell you they moved on, since no one wants to be the bad guy. You can be the good person, by simply telling someone how you truly feel, whether it breaks their heart or you fall madly in love, love is not a winning or losing game, it is the true test of life and you eventually bringing in new life to this world. So be honest with yourself and another person when you are out there dating, or even a committed relationship, it goes a long way, farther than you may expect. Last but not least, don’t be a ghoster (me, guilty) or get bogged down by being ghosting (I’ve been there, you aren’t alone), our past ghosters may haunt us or we may haunt them, no matter what it may be always cherish your time with someone, whether they are now a part of your past or currently in your present, be and love hoo you are because your OWLSOME (ending this with a good old owl pun, ps I have an owl obsession if you didn’t already know about that).


Lately I have been thinking about accountability. I have been thinking about what accountability means in the context of being consistent, and how to keep motivation when you clearly do not have it. I myself tend to use a list where I can check off things as I go throughout my day or even week, yet lately I have been finding myself not having the energy to get around to all those things. So you, the person on the other side reading this, what do you do to keep motivation? And how do you stay consistent? And what are some things you do to keep that fire within you to fuel you?

Like I have read so many books on things on this, yet I want to hear about real life experiences from people like you on how to have overcome writers block, maybe a slight bump in the road or just a lack of energy to go after things you want. I truly wonder how some of you frame accountability in your mind, and what motivation looks like to you? Does it look like you keeping yourself on a schedule, or does it more like a daily check in with yourself to see whether you are up to today’s tasks and challenges?

While the Internet is a nice place to turn to with these questions, I want to reiterate this for probably meh the third time (third times the charm, right?!?!?!), how do you hold yourself accountable, what does accountability look like to you and does accountability, consistency and motivation all go together, or am I just missing something here. Please hold me accountable, and help a girl out (it will be much appreciated).

Making Amends

About a few weeks ago, I made amends with my past. I texted people who we didn’t leave off on the right foot or note. I also made a pact to myself to put my happiness first. While the past year of my life has been quite wild to say the least, I have learned a lot and realized that sometimes you won’t always have all the answers to what you want out of life and how people treat you. I will never understand people who simply leave you on read or cut you out of your life without no explanation. I will never understand how a person cannot just recognize what you said as you did for them. I will never understand why people try to be someone they are not, when they simply should be themselves.

While there are many things I do not understand as many of us probably will never make sense out of, I have realized with time, most of the time, you are happy to leave your past in the past, and honestly to leave some in your past. I have realized that you have a say in who and what you allow in your life. I have realized that you can be content, without making everyone happy. I have realized I know myself, my mind and heart better than I thought. I feel with age and experiences, we learn to extend an olive branch rather than burning bridges with those who burnt you, or left scars with their ruthlessness. I feel that at times you have to make amends with yourself, before you can make amends with someone else.

Making amends is not simple, but a makeshift process, where you have to take your time and put the pieces together so you can fully heal. Healing is not a linear process, but rather you continuing to follow the path in front of you while venturing off to check out the places along the way. We have control over the path we choose to pave, and who we choose to give our energy too. I love to help people but have realized some people, one person in particular (some of you know) just continued to drain me, I am beyond thankful they walked out of my life, since my life has truly been so much better without them in it. I have wanted some to stay, while they choose to leave. Life is a lot like the seasons, we change as the weather do and evolve as environment does too. So if you are reading this, know that you can move on and do not have to forgive, rather make amends and choose to be indifferent to those who wronged you. Some times, things in life have to go wrong before they can go right, and how boring would it be if we didn’t get lost, then found. We all arrive at different times to where we are meant to be, so take time and break free from all that holds you back. Seriously though, it is really f*cking awesome to let go of all you are holding on to.

Tend to time as it ticks on, Mend your heart as it beats on, Lend an olive branch and make amends!

8 Dating Do’s & Don’ts

In looking back on the last year or my early twenties, I have gone on more dates than I can count. While that may be the case for some and not for other, either way there is nothing wrong when it comes to how you choose to go about dating. We are each on our own dating journey, so don’t compare your pitstop to someone else’s destination when it comes them being single or married. We all get to our final destination, our forever partner at different times in our lives, some meet their person sooner in life while others may not meet their person until after going through a handful heartbreaks. Your journey is what makes you, never forget that. With that being said, let me take on you a date on the do’s and don’ts of dating, not just from my experience but from friends and family experiences with dating. Hopefully, these “8 Dating Do’s & Don’ts” may help you the person reading this, relate or make you think about dating in a different light. No matter if your single, dating or married, we can always learn and grow as we go through life, and most importantly LOVE!

Let’s get into it…

  1. Do Be Interested

Some of us are scared to show someone we like them out of fear of rejection. But let me tell you, sending a nice text or doing a sweet gesture goes a long way. If you are someone like me, explicit cues like someone straight up telling me how they feel is far more important than implicit cues, which someone like me will not pick up on. I am saying send that long text, state and show your true feelings to that person, and well if they do not feel the same way, you know you showed how you truly felt versus playing cool. Showing and telling someone how you feel goes a longer way, than just playing it cool and being indifferent to them. Just do not be too hard on yourself, don’t overthink how you act, because someone should date and love you for you, not a version you think they may like.

Life is truly too short, love is too fleeting to not be or act interested in someone you like or may even find attractive (or both). And if you are simply not, then just send a nice text message (do not ghost that just makes you look immature and slightly shady, sorry not sorry, I hope your parents raised you slightly better than that, please have some sliver of respect because KARMA IS REAL.)

2. Don’t Think Too Far Ahead

Many of us are guilty of connecting with someone and thinking out our whole entire future with them. Well, hold your horses honey, just take it moment by moment, date by date before jumping in head first into the deep depths of dating. My advice is do ground yourself in reality to realize that you may not meet your person(or prince) after kissing a handful of frogs. So try to take the rose tinted colored glasses off and see the person for who they truly are, or who your close friends and family see them for. I feel it is important in the early stages of getting to know someone or dating them to seek advice for close family members or friends who may be seeing things you aren’t, since well they are not as invested as you are.

In dating it is important to stay in the now, and just really take it date by date. Over time, you truly get to know and see someone for who there. Always remember time is on your side, and do not start planning out your wedding from the second of meeting someone because most of the time that will end up in you just projecting what you want in a partner onto them. It is important to date in the now, reflect on your dating past, learn from your past dating experiences to seek out what you potentially want in a partner.

3. Do Focus on How You Feel

It is important to focus on how you feel. While your friends and family may like or love someone, it is important for you to feel those feelings as well since you will be spending a whole lot more time with them then they will. I feel it is also important to focus on what your gut is telling you. I can’t tell you how many times, one person in particular where I felt uneasy around, like something in my gut was telling me something off. Although I never pinned down what it was, I know now I am so happy I listened to my gut and walked away from that situation. Your body more than your mind and heart can pick up on things, that sometimes we ourselves cannot understand. Don’t forget to listen to your gut and lean into your feelings, since they will signal and let you know how you feel about someone. Many times, we misinterpret our feelings for liking someone a lot when it is more than that, so just feel your feelings, don’t feel one bit about it, since it will lead you to the right partner and rid you of the potential, toxic partners (I know some of you reading this have been there, you feel me?!).

4. Don’t Be Afraid to say Your Expectations

Seriously do not feel bad or be afraid to say what your expectations are when it comes to a potential partner. It is important to share and state your dating guidelines with you partner fairly early on to see if you two are even on the same page. Because I know from my own dating experiences, as well as friends and family that we end up dating someone for months, only to find out that they are just really not in the market for a serious relationship or finally figure out that they cannot live up to your expectations. My real, raw and honest advice is telling someone you are interested in is what you are looking for a partner.

If you do not, you may end up being frustrated and sad as to why things did not workout or why they are so many miscommunications between the two of you over time. Do not share a whole entire list with them, but do have (an) authentic conversation(s) with them over time in the early stages of dating, so it sets the foundation for a strong, withstanding relationship and eventual partnership down the dating road. Never lower your expectations to fit someone else’s idea of a relationship, do though have realistic expectations and exemplify them through your actions too. Let me just say you are worthy of someone f*cking amazing, and vice versa, never forget that honey, there is someone out there for each and every one of you (even if you have already met them and are committed, engaged or married).

5. Do Be Who You Are

Be unapologetically who you are to the core. And well if someone does not like you for you, then just wish them the best. It is so important to not become a version of yourself to fit that person’s ideal partner. I feel this is something that comes with time and gaining confidence in who you are. I always love to compare our twenties as each of us going into a costume shop and trying out different costumes, only to eventually walk out of there being completely fine in who we are. While you may have some insecurities which is completely normal, you should lean into those and see why you want to change those things about yourself. Is it family, friends or society telling you have to change who you are to be deemed worthy or beautiful, if so, listen yet tune into the pieces and parts who make up the person you are. Never doubt or forget, there is only one of you in this world, so keep being and doing you. Eventually in time, someone down the line will come into your life who loves you fully for all that makes you, you (the good, bad and in between). If someone truly loves you, they will love you not only at your best, but at your lowest. So continue to be who you are even if you feel like you do not fit the mold of those you see as your scroll on social media or in a small(ish) town like Boise, Idaho. Beauty goes beyond just looks, beauty can be found in your soul and shine through your spirit. Love hoo you are because you are truly F*CKING OWLSOME!!

ps I love owls, hoo would’ve known, just if you didn’t know that already, man you, yes the person reading this may think I am hoot, well that’s fine, cause I am me, and well you are you, so in the end that makes two of us (or maybe just one of you)

6. Don’t Judge by The First Date

I feel many of are guilty of judging someone off the first date, well at least I am. I feel it is important to go on a second or third date. Reason being, on the first date, most likely you and that person are fairly nervous if you have never met each other in person before. I really do feel it is important to not make assumptions of someone off just the first date, unless well if there are things that you do not see yourself being able to work pass. So give them and yourself a chance to really go on a couple or few dates, before making a rash decision about whether or not you want to date them. This goes for you people who have been talking forever over text or phone calls in getting to know someone, truly allow the date or dates to evolve into what they are meant to be, not an idealized idea of how the person should act or look in your head. Let your nerves settle down, and take your time in getting to know someone or even dating them, you can find out and connect with someone you may not have thought you would.

7. Do Meet Somewhere Public & Place You Both Like

It is important on a first date or even in the beginning stages of dating that you meet in a public place such as a populated park, restaurant or area where other people can see you. I say this because you never know who truly someone is even after talking for them a while and stalking them on social media (because we all do that, even if do not say so explicitly). It is important to also research someone before you meet up, just to make sure you are not going on a date with someone who could possibly cause harm to you. I say this because many of us nowadays likely meet someone online through a dating app, social media (Instagram or Facebook) or through a mutual friend. Last but not least, when meeting someone for the first time, pick a place you both like and feel comfortable meeting up at. When it comes to dating or just getting to know someone, it is crucial for you to feel secure and comfortable. If not, then please listen to your gut and do not meet up or go on a date with someone if you truly do not feel comfortable. Your body as I like to say sometimes knows better than your mind and heart. Trust your gut and intuition, as I like to say (or as someone told me long, long ago).

8. Don’t Forget to tell Family & Friends who You Are Going With

No matter what, do not forget to tell your family and friends who you are meeting or going on a date with. It is important to let those you are close know your whereabouts in case anything was to happen to you. So text when you arrive at your destination and when you leave to let those you love know you are safe. It may also be important to share your Snapchat location with a friend locally in case something was to happen to. You never know nowadays, so having tags on someone can help in making sure you are safe, and reassuring your loved ones you are too. I do not tell you this to scare you, yet this important to be in communication with your family or friends, even if you are meeting up with a friend or going on a hike alone, just so they know where you are. I always tell my family and sometimes my friends were I am going so they know, and can do something if something happens to me. Just do not forget to communicate and practice safety whenever you are going somewhere by yourself or with a friend, or meeting a new person.

The Destinations & Detours of Dating

I hope these “Dating Do’s & Don’ts” can help you as you continue on your dating journey, or even reflect on what dating was like for you before you met your forever person. I feel each person’s dating journey is different, yet similar. Some of us date more than others, and some of us have never been a long term relationship before. No matter where you are at in your dating journey, just know it is your journey, not anyone else’s. So do not compare your season of singleness to someone’s season of marriage. We all go through different seasons in life at different times, so appreciate the time you have.

Learn all you can about life and love, what you want and do not want in a future partner. Through dating, you will find more about yourself, who you want to be as a partner and what you seek in a relationship for it to be healthy, withstanding and for you feel fulfilled (and loved). Just remembering the longest relationship you’ll ever be in is the one with yourself, so learn to love yourself and the rest will follow (as they tend or like to say). Taking it day by day, date by date, you got this (and you can survive even those worst heartbreak and breakups — p.s. they will make you appreciate eventually your life long partner).

Irish Roots

Today when I am writing this is March 17, St. Patrick’s Day which is a huge celebration for the Irish. When I think back to the first, only time I visited Ireland, I was 15 going to be 16. Then, I thought I knew what it is to be Irish. But even a decade later, I do not know what it really means to be Irish. While my grandma spent many of her formative years in Ireland and I still have family there, I have yet to discover what being Irish exactly means. That is why I hope to one day have the opportunity to stay in Ireland for a month to just travel around the country, and spend time with family over there. I hope when that day comes, I will get to visit with my future husband and teach him the parts of myself I have yet to discover, which is what it means to be a dual citizen of a country(Ireland) you really have not gotten to spend much time in.

I know they say time is essence, but I really do believe it is. My Irish grandma is about to turn 91 this Friday on March 19th, I joke with her it is her backwards golden birthday. She smirks and her eyes light up whenever I say that. I hope my grandma knows how much she means to me, and so many. My grandma is the one person I lovely so deeply, admire and seek validation from. She has taught me how to treat others through her actions, which is to pretty much give grace to every single person. My grandma has told me time after time, she has never met a person she does not like, which I along with many of you reading could beg to differ. She has taught me what it means to love deeply, she was married to my grandpa for 58 years, up until the day he passed and is still committed to him years later. I hope for myself and for you that you find a love so deep that it does not run dry when that person is no longer here physically, I feel each of us deserve to be loved and to love deeply, and unapologetically. I bet my lucky charms, we each find that pot of gold, our purpose in life and partner in love at different moments and times in our lives, for reasons and lessons we may never understand, even years later or right now.

My one and only hope is that I find out more about my Irish roots, such as where are they rooted and what seeds have yet to be planted… I think all of us wonder what will life be like tomorrow, ten months from now, ten years from today, yet time teaches you to appreciate every moment you get and memory made. Sometimes we live like we got our whole lives before us, when we never truly now when our time will come. I hope that in time, we find our roots, whether that is your heritage, your purpose or your partner. Whether your plant(s) bloom, or the weeds take over, always know you can grow through whatever you may go through. I truly believe life always works out for the best, even if we cannot see it now. So plant your roots wherever you please, just remember to always be kind to yourself and those around you. Hopefully each of us can live more like my Irish grandma who always seems to see and find the good in each person, and situation. Sláinte!!!

The Dating Dilemma

It is crazy to think that when we become teenagers then adults, we embark on the journey of finding our other half. And in order to do that, for most of us, we got to date a good amount of people until we find our so-called person. Well for those lucky few of you find that person when your kids, or when your middle or high school teenagers, I guess you get to save yourself a heartbreak or two. Besides the fact, no matter what age we are, we are all just trying to figure out who we are going to be, what we are going to do and how that all will come to fruition.

With that being said, I have noticed time is always on our side, it helps you see someone for who they truly are, not what their words tell you. Over the years, I have learned to listen more to what someone’s actions say versus their words. I like to say I am a big believer in that quote, “words tell you who someone wants to be while actions tell you who they truly are”, I think that is how the quote goes, right?! Well besides the fact of not knowing the exact wording, maybe someone can eventually look it up, correct me and send me the correct wording; I’d greatly appreciate that. As I write this, I have all these memories/stories flood into my mind, but for the sake of time, and me actually hoping to turn my many heartbreaks into a book one day, I am not going to share it all in one go. Because well that would be overwhelming and I don’t think any of you would want to spend that much time reading about all my crazy, interesting and insightful dating stories. Honestly, let me take you, yes the person reading this on a first date, let’s get acquainted with one another, I promise I won’t make this awkward, unless you or I do.

So now that I asked you to go on this first (virtual) date that is because #COVIDSTILLEXISTS, so trying to practice all the safety and social distancing protocols. And well you just had to accept my request because you must not have anything better going on if you are reading this, or maybe you’re genuinely intrigued by my dating life, which is honestly non-existent at this point because… well we will get to that soon so please be patient with me (and hopefully love me for me, isn’t that what we all want?!) Here we are sitting down, right across from one another at that coffee shop or restaurant we both agreed on. As both of us talk, well I think each of us endure yet again another round of small talk because no one wants to get deep on the first date, because you don’t want to think the person right across from you has any form of baggage (and no one wants to carry that around like luggage).

But as both of you get comfortable, you start to notice that you aren’t alone when it comes to this never ending game of dating, if you win I guess your either married or in a relationship, well if you don’t then your likely single or just had your heartbroken. I guess you can call me both a winner and loser when it comes to game of dating. I hate to call dating a game, yet in our young adult years it feels just like that, it seems like people either use you for their own self serving interests, ghost or gaslight you. Don’t get me started on the dating apps, or your friends trying to set you up yet again with one of their friends. I feel all options are great when it comes to dating. Well I have yet to meet that person where it all just makes sense. Like people say you know, when you know and I thought I have, but maybe I am just a cat with nine lives (I have lost 3 already if you’re wondering) who has yet to meet the purr-fect match for me. I don’t believe in soulmates, or love at first sight, but according to some sources it exists, like they found someone in the midst of it all, wish I could fall into whatever trap or contraption they fell into. Don’t we all hope for that one day, where we can just do life with our partner, best friend and build a life we are both proud of and get a dog or two while we are at it.

I know we all hope for these things, and if you reading this are like no I don’t at all well can I have what you are drinking. I know we all order drinks and take shots at the same bar, hoping that person will walk through that door or we will make eye contact and find them in a crowded room. But sorry to break it to you, that’s not reality or life. Meaning you can be like me who has dated more people than I can remember, because I thought well that’s what you are supposed to do in your twenties after you get your heart broken by the guy who you first seriously dated and thought you’d build a life with. News flash, it was not meant to be and I am beyond happy we parted ways, because I know the path I am on after many detours and pitstops will lead me to my person, or hopefully (actually I know) the person who will accept and love me for me.

I guess what I am trying to say to the person reading this is not to give up hope, because well I have many times yet here I am still a hopeless romantic. Here I am, yet again single, because I am not settling and well let’s just say I needed to take some time for myself too. As one of my friends likes to joke is that I was in a relationship with dating for the past year, and well she was not wrong. I even like to joke that I have survived a mandemic in the midst of a pandemic. In all seriousness, I know what it feels like to be alone, to be in love and to wonder if you will ever find that person. If no one has told you this, I want you to know you are worthy of love and someone who doesn’t make you feel like a liability. I know the lines sometimes get blurred, yet with time it will become a lot clearer of what you want in a partner. So in the meantime, I encourage you to keep doing the things you love, meeting new people and experimenting (whatever that may be, just remember practice safety). I like to say love is like an experiment, where most of the time you have all the steps/directions right in front of you, yet you keep not getting the intended result until after many attempts you finally get it right. If you didn’t get it wrong, your heart broken or have yet another token of you taken, you would never know and appreciate a love that is meant for you. I truly believe two people are made for each other, your partner should be there to challenge, support and comfort you. And we all find that person at different points in our lives, so do not compare your pitstop to someone’s destination. Until you find that you should not settle for anything less than someone who wants to be your best friend, partner and lover.

PS I hope our first (virtual) date with one another went somewhat well, despite some of the detours along the way. Do stick with me though for a second date, because I am excited to share what’s ahead and it might just involve some helpful, laughable and insightful tips. Just know I got the tip covered, if you got the bill. Well can’t wait to see where it goes from here, so jump in, buckle up and let’s get going. And take our time to get to know one another, before we jump ship, I promise the

Be You & Only You

It has been a while since I last posted on here, well that might be because I lost myself in the midst of the last year (or a Mandemic as some of my friends and me like to joke about). I lost who I was and all I wanted to be. Crazy how feelings can do just that to you. I threw myself into relationships that were not healthy, unfulfilling to say the least. I relived all the situations I tried to avoid back in my teenage and early twenties. Crazy how fast reality can hit you, then you are back feeling lonely and truly like no one gets you. You, the person reading this, I know you have felt that void before. And don’t we try to avoid that void, like we do with accidents while driving, defensive driving is what they call that, right? I feel I am yet again the accident on the side of the road that everyone looks at as the drive by and on with their lives, yet to feel like I am better left in everyone’s rear view mirrors. Or swerve because you want to avoid that one, because she is just debris on your way to your destination.

I know some of you reading this, who know me or maybe don’t know me at all, feel this is not true because you think I am just someone who always seems to have it together. While others who truly know me would say different, they would say I need to be on my own to find happiness, and maybe that is true. Yet what about if you have always felt alone, like no one truly gets you, I’d say it be dangerous to allow me to be on my own since I may forever want it to be that way. Today and for a while I have been reflecting on the past year of my life, this blog and where I hope all this goes.

I just think about who I was a year ago, I remember saying I was better off on my own, and now I am truly believing that to be true. I think all of us hope we can find someone, or a semblance of something where we feel like we can and be accepted for who we are. But what about if we never find that thing or person. What about if you have to love yourself before someone else can love you? I don’t know if that one is completely true, but it is up for debate so feel free to comment below if you agree/disagree. Or why don’t they say when your younger that fairytales aren’t preparing you one bit for a happy ever after? Well, unless your my grandma and find your soulmate at 21, I thought that was what love was/and still is, and wow I was beyond wrong, yet maybe I just need to be romantic, rather than a realist.

In reality, I feel each of us live in this world of what if’s, when what now is shaping us into who and what we will become. I sometimes wish I could see the person I will become a month, year or decade from now, such questions as who will I be, what will I be doing and where will have life taken me come to mind. I know we all wonder and wander off the path, taking detours as we arrive at pitstops along our journey. Yet if you knew your destination, would you tell that person how you truly felt, would you live life more to the fullest and would you chase after what sets your soul on fire. I guess what I am saying is throughout the twist and turns of life, we tend to get lost and caught up in the hustle and bustle that surrounds us. We lose, give and gain parts of ourself back, only to find that who we are will always be enough for the right people. I used to think that I had to shape myself to fit the mold of what someone else thought I should be, and well that is just not the case.

I have learned I can completely be myself, and someone will just not get it and that is totally fine because someone out there will. What I am saying is to always without a doubt to be you and only you. There will be someone, friends, coworkers or a lover out there who will accept, support and celebrate you. You, the person reading this have a reason to be here, if you don’t believe me, just know I have been there too. It gets hard when time and time again, people cause you pain. But hey for all the people who let you down, there are many more who are there to lift you up. So don’t feel weighed down by your past, present or even your future. Each moment holds a place, a space for you to grow and maybe even a face to show you that there’s more to life than those who held your heart, hand or mind.

You are one of kind, and hard to find. That’s why when I say “Mildly Me”, it is because many of us feel we have to tone up and down parts of ourself to feel we are accepted by others. We are all at times, most of the time living a mild version of who we are since we have molded ourselves to want to feel wanted and loved by those around us. No matter the time, day or moment, always know the version we show tends to be Mildly Me, so in those vulnerable moments always choose to be you and only you, it will always bring you close to those already in your life and those who are meant to be there with you. With that being said, I am back, more in my feelings than ever and here to share what I have learned through the past year of my life about love, life and relationships in hopes that I can help you feel less alone and maybe you can learn from my mistakes, or one day maybe revel in me making it to the mountain top after continuously falling down and having to get right back up and keep on going.

So if you read this far, always remember to keep going, no matter what obstacle in life you may be faced with. Never forget that life is journey, not a race to see who gets there first. Since first place doesn’t always get the medal, and sometimes we are put onto pedestals that we are meant to fall off of to find our balance, who we are in this moment and meant to be in this lifetime. Time after time, continue to choose to be you & only you!

13 things i have learned in 25 years

It is crazy to write this knowing I am have now been 25 for almost two weeks now. If you would have told me 10 years ago at 15, I would be here, I would not believe you one bit. At 15, I pictured myself married and starting out a new chapter of my life, the one were you settle down.

Little did I know that I would be no where close to settling down but finding myself again. The 24th year of my life taught me a lot about who I was and all of what I want to be as a human on this earth. While I know, I am one among a bigilloin people on this Earth, I know each of us have a purpose to be here and a story to write. No one person is the same as you, and even if you think so, let me tell you are here for a reason, even if you do not understand the seasons of life you may go through. Sometimes we never do, but that is beauty of the lessons life will teach you.

So with that being said, let’s fall into the things I have learned during this past quarter century of life, and maybe you will read this and see we all go through things that make us who we are. Read this not with a gaze, but be amazed at how far you have come and go in this lifetime.

Life is truly short in hindsight, so with each day let your light shine, even when you feel like you are a star fading out with the doubts, shout out loud you are worth the things that make you, you…. enough of me rambling, here we go friends, let’s get deep and personal with one another… or just more me.

  1. Things and People Change

2020 has truly taught us that things can change within the matter of minutes and months. While that is not something we are not unfamiliar to as humans, it is something we should realize that each moment should be lived with intent. And not that maybe some people aren’t meant to be in our life forever. Letting go is truly harder than it seems when all you want to do is hold onto is what is familiar, and feels comfortable. But in those uncomfortable moments of life, is when real growth and change can happen. Hopefully, we all come out of 2020 with a newfound perspective and an appreciation for all those surround us, because what is now will eventually fade into the things and people we used to know, so enjoy the journey life will take you on.

Song: Change by NF


I used to always think love was to fill up parts of someone else. But no love is truly is caring for another person. You don’t have to empty parts of your self to fill another person up. I have realized I don’t have to give to get. That love is unconditional and I am beyond grateful for those who have showed me love when I had nothing more to give. While I a cynic when it comes to love, I have learned that yes you can get your heart broken a handful of a times in a year and still be able to love yourself, when no one seems or will ever want to.

Being alone has made me realize that yah I have gone on more dates than I can count, and each one has taught me something about myself. So yah, call me what you want to… it truly won’t bother me anymore. I know my worth, and I am worthwhile of love. Yah I am not perfect, I have made more mistakes I would like to take credit for, but it honestly can get annoying when I feel every guy I encounter wants me more for a prized possession than actually a present to handle with love, care and appreciation. So yah it has been a cruel year when it comes to love and life, but I am still a believer and I don’t know why…

Song: Livin’ on Love


I think we all listen to music and feel a tad less alone in this world. Music can truly connect us in ways we will not understand. So yes music is my muse, and likely yours’ too. But I highly suggest turning on your favorite song and just dancing in the comfort of your apartment, house, bedroom or car. It makes you feel free from all that is holding you down, or back. So just dance to the beat of your own drum, and SHAKE IT OFF.

Song: Shake It Off By Taylor Swift


People love to say time is of the essence, but I believe time is truly the seconds, minutes, and hours you make out of it. Not every day you will be keep track of time, but time can teach you lessons and heal all wounds. Time will continue to tick on, so just take your time when it comes to life. We are all on a different timeline than one another, so do not compare your timeline to someone else’s.

Song: if this is the last time by LANY


This year taught me to call those close to you because texting can be so impersonal. And that calling and hearing someone’s voice can remind you that we just aren’t living behind screens. So call someone today, tell them how much you care about them and just talk. Everyone can send a text, but it takes someone special to call you. WORDS HOLD WEIGHT BUT VOICES ARE HEAVIER… AND WON’T ALWAYS BE THERE FOREVER!

Song: Call on Me by Starley


Sometimes on somedays, we worry about the most meniscal stuff. So send something special to someone, it could be a simple text or present. There is nothing more special than sending someone something that reminds them that their presence is a present to this world, because it truly is. Stop what you are doing and send something special to someone, no matter if they appreciate it or not, do something heartfelt every once in awhile. This world needs love more now than ever before, so adore and show love to those around you.

Song: Something About You by Hayden James (ODEZA Remix)


I say set settle intentions because many of the times we set intentions or goals that are beyond anyone’s expectations. So set settle intentions that can help you take that step toward where you want to go and be. Be true in your intentions, and don’t expect any mentions. Just live for your intentions, not someone else’s expectations.

Song: Intentions by Justin Bieber


This past year I could have show and shared hate over love, but I decided to always show love even when I felt that person didn’t deserve it. I say that because love can be truly hard to show and share, when you feel like people constantly use you for their own needs and wants. While I now know the truth of the situation of months later, and am not at all surprised by it. Almost like we know when people are lying to us, but hey the truth always comes out and welp you just have to live with it. No matter what happens or someone does to me, I will always choose love over hate, and I hope you can too even when it is beyond hard to do so.

Song: ILYSB By LANY & i hate u, i love u by gnash (ft. Olivia O’brien)


I have always been the person who wonders when something great will end. Like I know the spark won’t last forever and soon the flame will be blown out and the smoke will soon fill the space. But what I have realized that when I feel happy, I should relish in it. There are many days when things aren’t great but there other days that are amazing. Hold onto that happiness because it will come in handy when you are faced with tough times, and maybe sadness. Relishing in happiness just makes you feel full, even on on the days when you feel empty.

Song: Be Happy by Dixie D’ Amelio


When I say faith, I do not mean religion but rather the belief you are enough and good things are coming your way. Each day I am trying to believe that my real moments of growth are when I am sitting with my thoughts or reminding myself along with friends that it is normal to feel not okay. It is okay to feel lost or misunderstood or nothing is going right. We all feel those feelings every once in awhile, some more than others.

But imagine if we shared how we were feeling or felt, over always masking our feelings. There is beauty and true admiration in showing how you feel, and I feel we will or would feel less lonely in this world if we did so. So here’s to you and me, finding faith in fear, during the highs and lows, slow down and enjoy these moments dear, because nothing ever lasts forever.

Song: Faith by George Michael


We all can show who we are with our actions, but our words share part of who we want to be in this world. Imagine if our actions and words lined up, would you believe or disregard? Well all I know is by showing people you care is far better than sharing how you will be there for them. While sharing can help, showing up and being there for that person means more than you think. So the next time, you are talking with a family member, friend or love; show up and share so you can be there for each other.

Song: Show Me Love by Sam Feldt (ft. Kimberly Anne)


While forgiving and forgetting are feats in their own regard, you have don’t have to forgive to forget or vice versa. I have learned with time you can become indifferent. I realized this when first I listened to a Taylor Swift song, “I Forgot You Existed” and realized that through the lyrics of song you can move on with your life with honestly doing either. I also read a book called, “The Gift of Forgiveness”, which within the pages takes you on a journey through the different paths people take on the journey to arrive at their desired destination of forgiveness. While I can’t tell you how you should do either, forgiving or forgetting, what I can tell is with time, things become clearer and you will always end up at where and who you belong with. Life has a weird way of working out when it comes to directions and detours you take on this never ending road of twists and turns, eventually you realize it is all a part of your journey.

Song: Forgive & Forget by The Kooks (This one will always make me dance…. damn this is a BOP)


At times, it can be hard to find beauty in the things we acquire or the people we meet or know. But with each day, each of us including myself should look to find beauty in each thing we get to have and person we encounter, whether it or they adds or takes away from our life, we should be grateful to simply have the privilege to live. Sometimes we take life, things and people for granted and do not realize their value until they are gone. So appreciate every thing and every one that comes in and out of your life. Cause while we as a person may be a collection of things, relationships, moments, keepsakes and dreams, let’s always try to find the sliver linings in all of it. When it is all over, we will be reaching for the things and people who all added a sentence, paragraph and chapter in our book of life. So get up each day, looking forward to writing another page of your story and getting to be a part of someone else’s too. Our stories, voices, and thoughts hold so much value, just got to invest and deposit them from time to time in the banks of people and things that collect the bits and pieces of us.

I decided to stop at 13 things…. because 25 things is just a lot to process, write and share in one go. So sometime in the near future, I have no clue when it will be, but hopefully soon… I will think of 12 other things I have learned in my 25 years of life in this earth. For those of you, who are younger or older than 25, please take these things I shared with a grain of salt and sprinkle them into your mind, life and body when seems fit. Hopefully, no matter how old you are, you can connect, grow, and from what I shared. Because aren’t we all hoping to be feel a little more connected in what seems at times a rather disconnected world. LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!

Song: Beautiful by Bazzi (ft. Camila Cabello)



Mildly’s me metamorphosis

Almost a year ago, I started “Mildly Me”. Back then I had the intention of writing content that was raw and embodied the experiences many of us go through on a daily basis. If anybody would have told me I would be here at this moment in time, I would not had believed them one bit. I may have believed bits and parts, because when it comes to yourself, you know what will last and what will fade. And when relationships, friendships included are made on rugged rubble, would you expect them to withstand all the hardships? Probably not. Well this past year I learned that letting go is a lot harder than it looks. I also learned that what I write is truly all I have at this point in time; because people come and go in and out of your life like seasons, and maybe for some very good reasons.

It is honestly crazy how much can change in a year, a season, a month and a day. Where I was last year is a place and a person I never want to revisit. Where I was last season in the midst of the season of Spring is a version of myself I want to leave behind. Where I was last month is the woman I want to tell who cares, do whatever and be whoever the hell you want to. What is heaven without not a little bit of hell. Who would I be if I did not make the choices I did. The choice to leave a relationship crumbling right in front of me. The choice to learn from saying yes aimlessly to standing firm in a no. The choice to choose who and what I surround myself with. While this year and these choices have been be a bit easy, it is the people and things that broke me who built me into who I am today. Today, I am the wanderlust of a whimsical woman wondering what’s next, only to know that Mildly Me will continue to embody all the peaks and meadows each of go and grow through each day. Toning down and cranking up the parts of ourself to be the mild, and sometimes wild versions of ourselves.

Mildly me isn’t just me. It is you, the person reading this. It is the person, who feels like they are never enough. It is the social butterfly, who sometimes feels like they are maybe too much. It is the child, whose learning to use their voice. It is the adult, whose lost the curiosity of a child. It is the grandparent, who wonders what their legacy will one day be. It is all of us, far and close a part, stringed together by humanity, a city and entity. Mildly Me is the parts of yourself you decide to show and the ones you decide to hide, because all of what makes us who we are is perfectly imperfect. So show up every day being who you are, whether that is Mildly Me or not. You got a heart, body and a voice that embodies only you, and no one else, so always choose to be who you are and more.

Better Off on My Own

Lately I have been feeling this sense of just being better off on my own. I don’t say that to be negative, but rather I just feel like I don’t want anyone to be carrying around my baggage like its their luggage. I see everyone so happy, content, in love or just living their life on their own terms, and then…

I look at myself and wonder how did I get here, why did I let a guy for the last year of my life make me feel like there was a ticking time bomb ready to explode right in my face. When it did and I had to carry the weight of knowing I had to leave for my own sanity, and then to be caught up in the fear of carrying something else too. In the process, I honestly felt myself losing pieces of who I am to fill that of those around me. Maybe if I do this, then everyone will be happy.

But what I realized is for years I have been sacrificing my own happiness for the sake of love, while some may say that’s a flaw, I think we all fill parts of ourselves in people and with things we are lacking to feel whole. I can honestly think back to college when one of my roommates said Maddie I can’t keep up with how many guys you are dating. Back then I was lost and trying to find myself in other people (and I guess now I still am too), some who would take up my time and others I would never give a chance.

See what I realized then and now is that the moments I have felt most alone have been the moments when I truly grow and find what I need. While I’m flawed beyond belief, I know that maybe by me saying I’m better off on my own is better for the sake of those around me, including myself.

No I’m not saying I want to be alone forever. And that Yes I do want to find love again, and eventually a family, but for now I need time to grow and honestly I don’t know what that looks like. But what I do know is the next time love comes knocking on my door, I am going to do everything in my power to keep that private for the sake of my own well being and happiness. Because I’m done living for the approval around me. Whoever that person ends up being, we will be darn lucky and beyond happy to have each other.

In the meantime and as I go through life, I will continue to turn to music and poetry to get me through it all. And if you feel or felt like do, please know you are not alone but rather something and someone great is down the road, waiting for you to arrive at your destination, them.

PS the name for this post was inspired by the one and only Taylor Swift’s song, “King of My Heart” . Also some songs I have been listening to remind me that my feelings and thoughts are valid, as are your’s are “Hand Me Down and Overjoyed by Matchbox Twenty”, “Lonely by Noah Cyrus” and “Anyone by Demi Lovato” . As always, love you all beyond words!

Blossoming Into Who I Want To Be

A few years ago I posted a picture of me saying blossoming into who I want to be, and years later that phrase still rings true. I feel with each season you learn new lessons about this thing we call life, and reasons to continuing keep on growing through what you go through. While life can be rough and there can be tough, unknown times as they are now, you never know where life is going to take you and who it is going to plant into your life (or sometimes weed out). So as I continue growing and blossoming into this new season of my life, I just want to be real with you all, so here goes nothing.

Something that has been weighing on my mind is a lot about what lessons you can take away from life and people you met, this has especially been true for me as I get back into the dating (online because of coronavirus) world. After getting out a long term relationship, it can be quite scary. Because you feel like all the flowers you and your partner planted have died, leaving you to start anew. While fresh starts are nice, they can be honestly frightening. Frightening in the sense of what and who lies ahead.

Lately, I have been using that fear to let myself be vulnerable again. Deep down I feel the person I am meant to be with is out there. While we both may know nothing about each other, I feel I will know once I have met the one. So yes again, after a few months of being single, I am letting myself to fall, maybe not in love with but falling into the vulnerability. Being vulnerable is one of my greatest fears, because I fear what will that person think. But then I stop myself and remind myself that every one is looking and longing to find that person who just gets them. Someone that will not only nurture them but grow a garden, a life with them.

Although I am still learning from each person I talk to or have gone on dates, what I want and don’t want. Deep down, I am allowing this planted seeds of people in my life to either grow with me, or to wither away with the wind. Cause I know the person, people who are meant to be in your life, for reasons sometimes we ourselves don’t understand. While people can come and go like seasons, I think you should take in the beauty each person brought into your life. Since life as we know it, changes from day to day, some people go and some stay, but every day is a fresh start to plant that seed and let it grow.

So if you are in between seasons or do not understand the reasons of the lessons life is trying to teach you, just know someone who truly cares and loves you will always be there for you, want to grow , and to show and celebrate the beauty you as an individual bring to this world.

Marchin' On

It has been awhile since I last wrote a blog post. It was actually two months til this day that I remember writing a blog post about telling my side of the story in a heartbreak. But now that it has been two months and things have quite changed, I thought I hop on here to tell you how you can or how I have been marching on through these truly unknown times.

They say moving on from a heartbreak takes time and I would have to totally agree but it also takes a good amount of healing. See I did not know what it felt like to lose someone I cared and still care so much for until well it happened. I felt a sense of abandonment and have felt quite alone during this time in my life, not just from the Coronavirus. In being alone I learned no one can make me happy, except for myself. So now and going forward I am learning that it is okay for me to not always people please. Noticing that most of my life I have spent trying to make those around me happy while letting my own happiness suffer. No matter what life looks like in this season, I want to work on being my own best cheerleader and going after things and experiences I have always wanted to, and I challenge you to do the same.

As for this whole coronavirus thing, I honestly feel a sense of anxiety and depression for our world, our country and my community, because I see the various ways people’s lives are being affected, whether they be those in the healthcare field or a college student. Right now life feels more uncertain than ever. But in all honesty it has felt like that for me since this year began. I knew from the beginning of this year that I didn’t know what my then relationship held, my future held and really who I was becoming. I like to say with time we lose pieces of who we are, but in all honesty I think we just get scarred and hugged by experiences and memories. I like to say I am moving on…. but with each day I feel like I am marching through a war zone of uncertain emotions, feelings and times. At this time, deep down in my gut, heart and mind I know what is right for me, but would I rather be hurt or be vulnerable, I still cannot decide. Maybe when I finally decide, it will be too late or maybe just a tad too early. But I guess time can only tell how we will march on from this pandemic and the own battles we continue to fight and win with ourselves.

If I could say one thing, it would be to continue marchin’ on with kindness, love, acceptance, and gratefulness for those around you, close and far away.

The Telling Truth

The phrase “The Telling Truth” kept coming to my mind, time and time again over the past weekend. I don’t know if it was my subconscious trying to tell me something or not, but anyway I am sitting down here to write a story from my side, or rather I guess a break up of a relationship from my point of view. While I feel sometimes we should keep things to ourself, and that people think they know what it is going on from what they have been told, I thought I would tell my side of the story.

Our story began back in October of my senior year and his junior year. At the time I was honestly not looking for anything serious because I had dated quite a few guys beforehand and just honestly had given up on dating . So after blowing off this guy three times, who some of you may know his name, I decided to give him a chance because I said so what. So what if I have a never failed dating experience or what not. Well anyway I went on this date and I guess you could say the rest is history. The moment I saw his car I thought of my late grandpa because my grandpa used to drive a Buick, so I thought this must be sign. As we talked on our first date and got to know each other better I really started to fall for him, as much as I resisted opening the bars and chains around my heart.

I broke down barriers of walls I built because I really thought this guy was the one. I know people reading this may find this silly but sometimes you just feel it in your bones, thoughts and heart that this person really gets me. But as time went on, the scars of past trauma upon me started to be revealed and I guess that was just too much. As my depression and anxiety worsened due to a horrible first job of out college situation where I faced harassment, he stayed and supported me. Then my depression and anxiety came back full force and I was going through a real tough time, like real tough but honestly no one knew expect myself this year. Near the tail end, I guess he just gave up. Gave up on me, goals he supposedly had of becoming of a surgeon, and just the relationship itself. In the meantime I tried to save a sinking ship, but as I did I felt myself drowning just trying to keep our relationship afloat.

And when he said he didn’t see a future with me or of us. I felt my world crumbling, how could someone go from saying you would never be too much to saying you are now more than ever way too much for me at this moment. See that is not what love is, love is being there for someone at their number one in show to when they come in last place, or they cannot even put one foot in front of another. But I guess love to him was only lust, and maybe we ought to know the difference in this day and age, where many of us would rather focus on ourself than helping those around us. I am not telling this my story for you to feel sorry for me but to let you know you are not alone, if you are going through a very trying time in your life.

Since I moved out from the apartment where we lived together, I have felt myself riding on a wave on emotions, from catching an emotion only to be crushed by it. I guess I caught up in the eye of the hurricane to realize the reality of my world, my love and my life to come crashing down. And while many people have reached out and said, ” Did you & him break up?” and I have to say yes or have another guy slide into my DMs and say well I just saw you guys broke up, I just want to say let me be. But maybe by sharing what is going on, I can help not only myself heal but maybe you the person who is reading this who may have lost someone, something or cherishing the ones you have, because you should, I just wanted you to know that the telling truth will always come out, no matter if someone tries to bury your voice or side of the story, all I wanted in this moment and going forward is to share the telling truth of the death of a relationship, story or soon to be distant memory.

PS while some of you may know both him and me, please try and see this is me telling my truth and side of the story as a way to heal from someone that I thought would be my lifeline, only to cross so many lines and break my mine own heart in the meantime.

Learning to Let Go

Over the past month and half I have been processing through some emotions, and some things. As you step through life, stepping in and out, sometime in between those steps, you notice what you need to take with you and what you need to let go of. While making those steps, you learn who you are, what you want and maybe why you feel the way you do. So as I make these steps going forward, I am realizing there is something, or many things I need to let go of.

First, I need to let go of the feeling of not being wanted. I know I am cared and wanted by so many. But there are many days were I feel alone, crying and hurting, that truly no one cares. While this may be a surprise to those of you who do not know me that well, I wanted to let you know that you should always touch base with those you love and care about, because you never know what is going on behind the confined doors of social media. So truly I need to let go of this feeling that no one cares, because I know there are, whether only few who do care about me and my well-being and that is all should matter. Never forget, you matter and what you are feeling is valid, no matter how crazy someone may think or say it is — YOU MATTER!

Second, I found that I need to let go of a relationship that was no longer fulfilling me but rather crushing me. Lately I have been feeling that no matter how many times I attempt to put back the pieces that have been crushed, they just don’t fit and keep falling out of place. Maybe this is a sign that sometimes the one you have been holding so close, you just need to let them go. While letting go of someone who has seen you at some real shitty lows and amazing highs is beyond imaginable, I know I got this as I say this feeling beyond muddled and sunken in emotions. Sometimes stepping away and letting one go is the best you can do, not only for yourself but for maybe or hopefully for them too.

Third, I found I need to let go of social media. While this may not be easy, it is something I need to do and step away from because my mental health has suffered from it. Seeking approval from followers or likes seems to be what is next to seeking approval from our peers and mentors as we typically in do real life. So enough with social media. As of now, I am deciding I will only be on social media to share my blog posts, so if I do not like or comment on your recent post, please do not take it personally. So bye Instagram and Facebook for the time being, while I say I will miss you, at the same time I find it best that you take a break from seeking approval from fleeting likes, followers and I guess friends too.

While letting go of stuff, people and moments may be hard in the meantime. At this point in time, it is something I really need to do in order to get back on track to feeling like me, the girl who is and only should be living her life on her terms, no one else’s. Well anyway, if you are feeling the way I am or go through something that is bodging you down, I would highly suggest letting go of that thing, thought or person because if you never do, you will never know what else you could let in that could really change your life and help you step in to where you want to go.

Stepping into A New Year

While the chapter of 2019 has officially closed and the chapter of 2020 has officially began. I thought I would start this year off by not sharing my resolutions at all, since I really wanted to focus on how you can step into a new year or start to make the changes you want in your life.

And while the start of this year has left me feeling awfully low, I know in my heart of hearts that this year is going to be good. Good in the sense that I went through a crap ton of growth in 2019, and maybe you have too. But do know that we grow and things can and will get better. If you do not think so, I am here for you.

I am here not only stepping into what this year has to bring, but starting to take action on goals I have had for myself for a very long time. Goals as silly as simply get enough sleep and working out more, things that many of us may already had incorporated into our daily routine. But with my health being on a roller coaster I have seen how it is affecting those closest to me. And how seeking out help isn’t the worst thing to do for yourself if you are really in need of sorting through emotions and feelings you have or are having. Never feel like your feelings or emotions are not valid, because they are. Anyway looking back, I have really hurt many people and treated people not as nice as I want to due to my own insecurities. This year I am really work on putting myself first and seeking out help in getting myself better. And you should always know you are a work in progress.

So as I step into 2020, I am really looking to not only reflect on the steps I took to get here, but the pathways I want to take to where I am heading. I hope you will, because to truly make your goals and intentions come true you need to look where you are at. And in the time being, if you are really wanting to make a change in your life, you need to make that goal and intention a standard in your life.

While I do not know what the future will hold, I know it is going to be good and that 2020 is not only a new decade, a new year but a new beginning in so many ways for many us.

Cherish the footprints left & the steps you are taking.




In the age of social media we live in a world of snapshots, capturing the bits and moments we only want people to see. But what would we say or do, if we could real and raw in a world where we feel like we will never measure up in the eyes of social media. In this blog post and poem, you fill just that and much more, enjoy!



Living in Our Own Bubbles

Living in the age of

social media, captions and hashtags

or what about how many followers and likes you have,

And how many of those were given,

Are your followers real or fake, or just some filtered image

of someone we want to be

and what we want others to see,

when all I want to show is the real me,

but who I am without the presets

Be good enough to make it in the filtered world,

of us living in our own bubbles

(Oops popped your bubble, now put down the phone to realize you aren’t living in a world alone, just a world of everyone on their phones)



Finding Yourself Through It All

Finding myself through it all, this year has been quite a ride. I went from standing up for myself to realizing that we still live in a time where people rather acknowledge then move on with their lives. Learning that victim blaming is real, despite what changes have been showcased in real media. In that moment I realized sometimes the best thing you can do is leave a rather toxic chapter behind you. And only a few months into 2019, I stepped into a chapter of my life that came with it’s changes, good and bad. I stepped into a job that I am beyond grateful for. I stepped into living with my boo of 2 and half years, while our relationship has had its’ ups and downs, we continue to make it through despite all the odds playing against us.

While stepping into new experiences means sometimes the old needs to be shed from your life; more importantly relationships that were rather taking from me than giving and showing up for me. Knowing when to let things and people go can be hard, but can be the most transformative moments in your life. I guess what I am saying is I have grown a lot this year and know that going into 2020, I can feel it in my bones, heart and mind that this will be the best year yet. It will be a year of unimaginable growth, while I don’t know what exactly this year holds for me or for you, I know this new decade, new age will challenge us and uplift us through so many breakthroughs.

Breaking through barriers that once held us back. Breaking through to become the best version of yourself. Breaking through to taking that first step on the path you have always wanted to venture down. Cause let me say 2020 will be the year, hold me to my word where I and hopefully you too will be making breakthrough the barriers of our mind, opinions that once held us back. Staying on track may be hard but always move forward, despite how many times you get derailed, you will one day I know deep down will get to the destination you are hoping to go to or be at. While I do not have 2020 vision, and life is not perfect and neither are any of us, let’s venture into this new season, new age and new decade.

Cheers to 2020!!

3 Simple Ways to Add Joy Into Your Life

I used to think joy was brought to me through people and things, but as I grow and get older, I realize joy can simply come from within and finding moments within your day to practice joy. Little did I know that my mom buying me a book called, Breathe Gratitude would show me how to do just this. I highly suggest you have this book in your life, even if you do not think you need it because I honestly thought I knew how to practice gratitude and all that is involved. Well anyway enough of me babbling on, let’s jump into 3 simple to the point ways you can add joy into your life, no matter how hectic your life may look. I got you boo.

1. Finding the Joy to Enjoy

In each day, whether you are having the best or worst day, you can always find the joy in enjoy. What I mean is you can feel like you have no control over your emotions, but you do. You do have the power to find the joy in a crappy day, as little as it may be. There is always something you can count your blessings for. Once you do, hold onto it and remember to hold it tight to comfort or uplift you during the best and worst days. Joy will be there for you no matter what, people and things may not always be. So choose to spread joy with your spirit. Cause honey, listen, you are like no one else so celebrate the joy you bring to people’s lives. Because you do. Never forget to find joy in enjoying the best, okay and worst days of your life because they craft you in the person you are and hope to be. You got this and if you still don’t think so. I got your back and so does joy.

2. Stop with FOMO. Start with JOMO.

I am guessing you have heard of FOMO, Fear Of Missing Out, but you have not it simply refers to a fear of missing out when it comes to social settings or situations, especially when it comes to social media. I know I had and continue to deal with FOMO, especially when I jump onto Instagram and see on everyone’s highlight reel or posts that they are living their best life, or I catch myself comparing myself to influencers I do not even know. But what I have learned is I do not want my social media presence to be a highlight reel but a highlight real of what is going on my life, the good and bad because life isn’t always rainbows and dandies. So recently I have decided to go live and share in my posts, real life updates, not sugar coated or catchy captions because your girl wants to be real and create genuine connections. Anyway enough about me and FOMO. Simply put boo, stop with FOMO and start with JOMO… wait what’s JOMO?

Well I am glad you asked, JOMO is the Joy Of Missing Out, which means paying attention to the moments of joy. While Joy is often sold as something that can be bought, consumed or won by being popular and meeting the expectations of conformity. Real joy actually comes from doing your own thing without worrying what others will think. Simply it comes from breaking away from the norm in any way that feels normal to you. So whenever you feel a sense of FOMO, add some joy or may I say JOMO into your life. Think about how, where and why you feel. There is no winners in the game of emotions, because rather thieves (people and things) when it comes to our emotions. Play the game of emotions, but don’t be played by your emotions. Emotions may not make sense but that’s okay. It is okay not to be okay. It is okay to be sad. It is okay to hurt. It is okay to heal. It is okay to be happy again because no matter how bloom or doom your life looks in this moment, you can always find a friend in JOMO, or rather Joy.

3. Enjoying Joy in All Life’s Complexities

Enjoying joy can be quite simple and hard at times. So I am here to help you enjoy joy despite all the complexities life will bring your way. One thing that will help you find joy is creating a physical trigger that stimulates a memory whenever you need it. While people and things can leave you, joy will always be by your side to lift you up. Anyway the first step you can take i by recalling a moment where you felt truly content, full or satisfied. Then you will want to close your eyes and build on that memory that comes to mind with colors, sounds, feelings and sensations. Take a moment to fully let yourself sink into that joy you once felt and experience it until it becomes vivid and as real as it can be. Next, you can find a point on your body, you can either do this discretely or in public, your choice, but you will want to find a point on your body where you can apply pressure until the realness and rawness of the memory passes. You can do this by pushing your two fingers together, then once the feeling has faded off into existence you can sit still for a few breaths before you test yet again this new found place of joy. And then again, apply pressure to that point on your body and if you get the same feeling without any thought or action that means joy is here to stay.

While these are merely suggestions of how you can add joy into your life, you can find ways to add joy into your life that will best fit your mindset, lifestyle and needs. Understanding that joy may look different to you than me. Joy can and will always be a commonality that can connect us to each human being. So smile and enjoy the eminence of this life we get to live.

Enjoy the joy!!

Something to Someone

From now on, I have decided I will be writing a blog post every Monday dedicated to Mental Health called Mental Monday because many of us ourself, a dear friend or a loved one deals with some form of mental health. I do not want to refer to mental health as an issue, rather I am hoping to break down the stigma surrounding it because what better world would this be if we were allowed to express ourself and how we felt, instead of bottling it all up. So each Monday will be a message in a bottle to let you know you matter, and your mental health also does too. Starting with this Monday I wanted to start of the week with letting you know you are something to someone, even if you feel alone. You are never nothing to no one, but something to someone and much more. My dear, the one who is reading this, this poem in all its’ entirety (words & emotions) is for you:

Something to Someone

Nothing to No One

Anything to Anyone

Everything to Everyone

I just want to be something to someone

Not nothing to no one

And anything to anyone

Even Everything to Everyone

But I know I am not the only one

who see’s the rain in the rainbow

the sun in the sunshine

and the dark in the darkness of the night sky

the sunsets before the sunrises

I see a day before me

I see the hours as they disappear by

I count the months as they pass me by

I bring years with me

And I feel I have decades to go

But what if I only had today and not tomorrow

Would I be something for someone,

nothing to no one,

not anything to anyone,

but everything to everyone?

I guess I am not the only one,

The only one who feels

lost and found in a world

of selfies and likes

and each other’s highlight reels,

since the real of reality

is we are all searching to find

our identity

our community

our city

I guess that is why me is a part of home

Finding your home within the masses

of lost and found people & places

But within those spaces

you will find traces of faces

who let you know you are something to someone,

maybe even someone’s something

and that you are not nothing to no one

anything to anyone,

but everything to everyone who knows you.

I wrote this poem to celebrate who we are as individuals. I know many of us feel disconnected in a connected world. Many of us deal with anxiety and depression in part to the world we live in, and in part to social media. While social media is something most of us use, it can cause many of us including myself to not feel like we are successful enough, fit enough, pretty enough or simply enough. In writing this poem I wanted and want you to know you are enough on days that are tough, and on days where everything is going right. Life comes in waves but if you can ride the tide you will come to realize there is always people by your side (even if feel alone) that will swim depths for you (and keep your head above water). So let these words sink in because sometimes we feel we will never make it through this season of our life, but believe me you will and you will always be something to someone (family, friends, followers, acquaintances and possible fur friends included).

Be-leaf in Yourself

Over the past week, I came down with a nasty head cold and clogged ears. I literally felt like I was in a fish bowl anytime I talked because all I heard was my voice echoing back. But during that time, I realized something that yes you cannot hear well with clogged ears, but many of us are living in our own fish bowl. A fish bowl of expectations of what we expect from ourself and those around us. A fish bowl of filtered down messages tailored to fit us. A fish bowl of feeling stuck within the limits we put on ourselves. A fish bowl where I finally broke it and let the glass shatter of relationships and realizations. Realizing we tend to feel we are stuck inside a fish bowl of who we think we should be and what our next step should be, when being a fish out of water can teach you more than being the catch of the day.

Today, I shattered the damn fish bowl and started this week off with what I self proclaim as a Mindset Monday. I felt one text message from a friend turning a switch on in my mind that sometimes you got to let people and thoughts go like Fall leaves. Leaving behind all that has held you back and stepping into a new season of your life. A season where the leaves are so colorful, yet so rustic. A season where you can change with the leaves , yet be rooted in who you are. A season where learning life’s lessons looks a lot like the leaves in between fall and winter. A season where be-leafing in yourself , embracing your real, colorful and crumbling self can help you fall into a new season of life.

P.S. This autumn, do not forget to be-leaf in yourself and fall more in love with who you are.

Welcome to Mildly Me

They told me to be you, when all I want is to be Mildly Me.

-Mildly Me

Welcome to Mildly Me. A blog of a home for me and you to better to get to know each other. While my blog is currently a work in progress, aren’t we all, I just want to say I am glad you are here. Subscribe below to get notified when I post new updates.